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 Pressing Alt-F will display a menu of some common DOS op-
 erations. For convenience, a few commands available elsewhere
 have been included.

                   +-| DOS Functions -------+
                   |                        |
                   | Jump to DOS shell      |
                   | Files directory        |
                   | Change drive/directory |
                   | Delete file            |
                   | DOS command            |
                   | Run editor             |
                   | Exit                   |
                   |                        |

   1: Jump to DOS Shell. This performs the same function as the
      Alt-J command.

   2: Files directory.  Telix will prompt you for the optional
      filespec, for example '*.doc'. If you want to list all
      the files in the current directory then just press Re-
      turn. Telix will then do one of two things. If you have
      defined a directory program to use (in the Configuration
      Menu), Telix will run it. Otherwise Telix will use its
      own internal directory program, which is similar to the
      DOS 'dir' command but also displays the time it would
      take to transfer each file shown. The time is correct for
      the current default upload file transfer protocol.

   3: Change drive/directory. The current directory is dis-
      played and you are asked to enter a new one. You can en-
      ter a new drive, a new directory, or both. This will be-
      come the current directory. Note that this is slightly
      different from the DOS 'chdir' command.

   4: Delete file. You are asked to enter the filename of the
      file to delete.

   5: DOS command. This performs the same function as the Alt-V

   6: Run editor. This performs the same function as the Alt-A

See Also: dos shell dos command
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson